Aging is a natural process, and as we get older, our bodies undergo a lot of changes. While many of these changes are positive and come with wisdom and experience, some of them can be frustrating and depressing. If you’re over the age of 60, you may have started to experience some of these changes already. From wrinkles to arthritis, from memory loss to hearing loss, many things can make you feel like your body isn’t what it used to be.

In this article, we’ll explore 17 of the most frustrating things that happen to your body after 60.

Aches and Pains


As you get older, your joints can become stiff and painful due to wear and tear. Your back hurts, your knees hurt, your elbows hurt. Need I go on? Pain in places that were perfectly fine last week. This is one of the things that happens to our bodies as we age. Everything just starts to hurt.

This can make regular activities like walking, getting up, sitting down, and bending more difficult and can impact your quality of life.

Grey Hair in Odd Places


And we’re not just talking about the hair on your head. Take a close look in the mirror, and you’ll most likely see a grey eyebrow hair, and maybe even an eyelash has suddenly turned white. Have you checked your ears and nose hairs lately, too? Let’s not forget about our private parts, too! Seriously? Can we dye those?

Hearing Loss


Many people experience hearing loss as they age, which can be incredibly frustrating and depressing. What? Pardon? Can you repeat that again, please? Do any of those phrases sound familiar? Is the volume on the TV not loud enough? Losing our hearing can make it difficult to communicate with loved ones and can lead to social isolation.

Increased Anxiety


One minute, you’re chatting with friends, or maybe while you’re standing in line at the grocery store, and the next minute, boom. Anxiety hits, and apparently, for no reason. Suddenly, you’re freaking out, you can’t breathe, and you think you’re having a heart attack and don’t know what to do.

Different Sleep Behavior

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Remember when we used to be able to go to sleep at 11, wake up at 6 or 7, and carry on normally? Long gone are those days. Many people over 60 experience sleep disturbances, which can leave them feeling tired and rundown throughout the day. In bed by 8, up at midnight, back to sleep at 2 a.m., and up again at 5.

Memory Loss


Another frustrating and sometimes depressing aspect of aging is memory loss. It can be hard to forget important details or conversations, and can lead to feelings of confusion or frustration. We lose our keys, forget what we went into the kitchen for, don’t remember loved one’s birthdays, did we take our pills today, lock the car door, etc. It’s sad and terrifying at the same time.

Dryness in Private Places


Women know what we’re talking about here. Our private parts feel like the Sahara desert. When did THAT happen? It hurts and is extremely uncomfortable (if not treated). Being intimate is no longer enjoyable. Many just stop being intimate altogether. We now need moisturizer. We’re that many years old.

Metabolism Slows Down


As you age, your body’s metabolism decreases, which can make it harder to maintain a healthy weight. This can be frustrating, particularly if you’ve been active and had a healthy weight your whole life. But it’s not just weight loss that’s affected. Slow metabolism also affects our desire or urge to get up and go and do fun things.

Lost Patience


You basically hate everyone and everything except your dog or cat. You no longer have patience for annoying or toxic people (or anyone, for that matter). You’ve lost your filter and have no qualms telling people how you feel. Maybe this is a good thing!?

Sagging Skin on Face


As you age, your skin loses elasticity and can become more prone to wrinkles. It can be frustrating to look in the mirror and see lines and wrinkles that weren’t there before and notice that your face is falling. Your eyelids are drooping, your cheeks are caving in, there are ridiculous lines where your mouth and chin are, and all these spots have names. Who names these? Your face is falling, and it can’t get up. Well, if you’re up for plastic surgery, you can make anything happen.

Spots Pop Up

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These are popping up almost on a daily basis. Moles, age spots, sun spots, old people spots. Some of us get so many of them you can practically play connect the dots on their bodies. While most of them are harmless, you should definitely get them checked by your doctor just to be on the safe side.

Hair Loss


Places where there used to be hair, are now thin and balding (and I don’t just mean on your head either). All that beautiful hair you used to have as a younger person is slowly starting to fall out and thin out. Pass the wine. This is sad. Where is our hair going? Do we have to buy wigs now? Dis tew much!

Burning Mouth Syndrome


Yes. This is a thing. A real thing and a really annoying thing. Don’t believe me? Just Google it. Burning mouth syndrome affects mostly older people (60+) and will come and go as it pleases. The only thing you can really do about it is moisturize your heart out, er, I mean your mouth.

Floaters and Vision Loss


Well, floaters are fun, said no one ever. Another depressing thing that happens as you age. These little black squiggly lines in in your eyes. Good times indeed. As you age, your vision can start to deteriorate as well. This can make activities like reading or driving more difficult and can be a source of frustration.

Decreased Libido


I’m sorry. Really, I am. As hormone levels change with age, libido can decrease. This can be a frustrating aspect of aging for many people. We think back to the good old days when we could go for hours (ok, maybe not hours, but you get what I mean), and now we don’t even want to go at all. No desire, no urge. Nudda. Gone.

Digestive Issues


We sure can’t eat like we used to. Or what we used to. Aging can also impact digestion, with many people experiencing gas, bloating, and constipation as they get older. Hello, farty pants, bloaty belly, and heartburn. As you get older, you definitely have to be more mindful of what you eat and how often you eat.



Are you afraid to sneeze hard or cough in public because of, well, you know what? A common problem for many people over 60 is incontinence. Let’s face it: lack of bladder control can be quite embarrassing. This can be caused by weakened pelvic muscles or an enlarged prostate in men.

While aging certainly comes with its challenges, it also comes with great joy and freedom too!! We’ve lived a great life, experienced so much and truly lived! Aging isn’t all bad. It’s a priveledge denied to many. Don’t forget that.

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