Hello and welcome to Women Blazing Trails. Thank you for stopping by! I want to share a wee bit about me so you know who is behind the wheel here!
Who is this chick?
My name is Iva and I am a 50 something Canadian expat currently living in Guatemala. I came down here in October of 2015 with the intent of only staying 4-6 months. This is now a place I call home. One of the main reasons I came down here was to help stop malnutrition and put a dent in hunger. A large portion of all the money I make online goes into feeding hungry little bellies and dogs.
(ok and one more reason was to escape Canadian winters!! brrrrrr)
I am a former hairstylist turned freelance writer and my goal and mission with this website is to inspire, motivate and encourage women around the world to step into their own personal power and live the life they deserve, one of crazy ridiculous joy.
You will learn more about me in some of my more personal blogs that deal with facing fear, embracing change, and how I learned to take back control of my life and be ridiculously happy and successful. I share my personal stories in hopes that maybe one of them will resonate with you and you will have a ‘Hell Ya’ moment!
Don’t forget to join us over on the Facebook page of the same name Women Blazing Trails
On this site, you will find tips on minimalism, self-improvement blogs, health/fitness tips and ideas, and lots of fun travel blogs and tips too!
I am always open to feedback, comments, and suggestions, so please feel free to reach out to me anytime! I promise to reply to your email personally.
Who is this site for?
This site is for the badass women over 50 (or even women over 40 and women over 30!!) who are ready to step into their power and become the successful, confident, and magnificent being she deserves to be. It’s for the woman who is tired of living a mediocre life and ready to embrace change and step way out of her comfort zone to get shit done!
Being a woman over 50 is glorious and amazing but it doesn’t come without struggles, heartache and frustrations. I feel ya girl. We’re going to get through this midlife sh*t together!
Women over 50 YouTube channel
Do you prefer to watch fun videos from a woman over 50 who shares in all your pain struggles and frustrations? Find me now on YouTube going on about many different topics.
You can also check out some of my other work on my MuckRack profile here.
I can also be found sharing my random thoughts over on Medium.
Your voice matters too!
If you would like to guest post (which I think would be amazing) please shoot me off an email at iva@womenblazingtrails.com and let’s talk!!
This site is from my heart to yours, from me to you, for all of us.
Mad love
xo iva xo