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We’ve all been through moments where we’ve felt hurt, betrayed, or let down by someone. Forgiving those who’ve hurt us can be challenging and many don’t even want to try. 

So many people say ‘they don’t deserve my forgiveness’ but the fact of the matter is, we don’t forgive everyone because they deserve it, we forgive because we deserve peace. 

Some say, ‘it’s impossible to forgive so and so,’ but it absolutely is possible to let go and find healing. Here are 15 practical tips to help you forgive those who hurt you so you can find your path to peace and freedom from the pain.

15 ways to forgive everyone who hurt you

While forgiveness can feel daunting and hard to do, it’s important to forgive everyone who hurt you for your own mental health and inner peace. When we hold on to all that pain and anger, it only destroys you, not the person who hurt you. 

They don’t care if you’re in pain. They probably already forgot that they hurt you. But you didn’t. 

Holding on to all this emotional baggage is damaging to your mental and physical health. When your mental health declines, so does your physical health. You’ll get more headaches, insomnia, back aches, etc. 

Here are 15 ways to help you forgive everyone and move on. 

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Forgiveness isn’t about sweeping things under the rug or pretending everything’s okay. It’s like cleaning out your closet.

You can’t just stuff all those old clothes in there and hope for the best. You’ve got to take them out, look at each piece, and decide what stays and what goes.

The same goes for your feelings. Acknowledging them is like taking out each emotion and giving it a moment in the spotlight. It’s okay to feel hurt, angry, or upset.

Recognizing your emotions is the first step towards healing.

Understand Forgiveness

You know, understanding forgiveness really makes a difference when you’re trying to forgive everyone. It’s like putting yourself in their shoes and realizing we all make mistakes.

It helps soften the anger and makes it easier to let go of grudges. So, understanding forgiveness is like a path to inner peace and better relationships.

Give Yourself Time

Forgiving everyone can be tough, right? But think of it like baking cookies – you need the patience to let the dough chill.

Healing isn’t a race. Giving yourself time is like giving your emotions space to settle. When you’re ready, forgiveness becomes easier, just like pulling those warm, gooey cookies out of the oven – it’s worth the wait!

Reflect on Your Own Imperfections

Reflecting on our own imperfections is like a reality check. It’s easier to forgive everyone when we remember we’re not perfect, either. It’s like realizing we’re all sailing in the same leaky boat.

So, forgiving becomes less about judgment and more about understanding, and that’s when it gets easier to let go of grudges.

Practice Empathy

Sounds cliché? I know, it does, but it’s so effective. Try to see things from their perspective.

This doesn’t excuse their actions, but it can help you understand their motivations and struggles. Try to feel how they are feeling and put yourself in their shoes.

Focus on Yourself

Sometimes, it’s all about self-care when it comes to forgiving someone. It’s like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others on a plane.

When you focus on yourself, heal your wounds, and find inner peace, forgiving others becomes a lighter burden to carry. It’s like clearing the path for better days ahead.

Write a Letter (You Don’t Have to Send)

You know, writing a letter you don’t have to send can be therapeutic and extremely effective in maintaining relationships in the long run. It’s like pouring your feelings onto paper; no filter is needed.

It helps you process and release pent-up emotions, making forgiveness feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders. So, grab that paper and pen, and let the healing words flow in a letter addressed to the person who hurt you.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to lean on your support network; they’re there to help you heal. Just talk to a trusted friend, close family member, or a therapist about your feelings.

Sometimes, an outside perspective can provide clarity and comfort. 

Practice Self-Compassion

Practicing self-compassion is like being your own personal cheerleader in the forgiveness game! It’s like giving yourself a pep talk when you need it most. It’s about understanding that it’s okay to feel hurt.

When you’re kind to yourself, forgiving everyone else becomes a more natural and empathetic process. So, go ahead, be your own forgiveness MVP!

Release the Need for Closure


Sometimes, we obsess over closure, like it’s the last piece of the puzzle. You might not get the closure you seek from them  so, when we release that need, it’s like setting ourselves free.

Forgiving someone becomes less about their actions and more about finding closure within yourself by accepting what happened and moving forward. Skip the closure hunt and let the weight of resentment lift.

Letting Go of Resentment

Let’s declutter your emotional space and clear the mental cobwebs to find room for positivity. Carrying resentment is like holding onto a burning coal – it only hurts you.

Let go of the resentment for your own well-being.

Focus on the Present

Live in the present moment. Sounds too familiar? Well, yes, but that doesn’t take away from its effectiveness.

Dwelling on the past keeps you anchored to the hurt, preventing you from moving forward. Focus on what is happening and let go of the things that don’t work for you anymore.

Choose Your Battles

Not every battle is worth fighting. It’s about realizing that not every disagreement is worth your energy.

When you save your power for what truly matters, forgiving someone becomes easier because you’ve let go of the small stuff.  Keep your peace radar on high and let the trivial stuff slide.

Decide which relationships are salvageable and worth your effort to forgive.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is key to happiness! It shifts your perspective from resentment to appreciation.

When you count your blessings, forgiving someone becomes easier because you’re wrapped in a warm blanket of positivity. Try to keep in mind the best moments that you spent together and don’t focus on the negative stuff.

Create a New Narrative

Creating a new narrative is like rewriting your own story. It’s about taking control of how you perceive the situation.

When you craft a fresh, more forgiving story, it’s easier to let go of old grievances. Put on your author’s hat and give forgiveness a plot twist for a happier ending.

final thoughts on how to forgive everyone

Forgiveness is not easy but it’s crucial to your overall well-being and happiness. Many people think you have to physically and verbally go up to someone and say “Hey, I forgive you” but that’s not necessary. 

You can write them a forgiveness letter (and burn it afterward) or just quietly forgive them in your head. Whichever method feels right and works best for you, do it. 

Remember, we forgive everyone for us, not for them. 

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