In 2014 I became a certified reader, which has completely changed my life and the lives of those who have chosen me to read for them. I am so thrilled to offer Angel Card Readings as part of my services.
Because I am gifted with intuition and know how to tap into it, it was easy for me to tune into the messages from the Angels and be able to deliver them in a very loving manner.
I believe messages from the Angels can help you get through blocks and lift you up to the next level of your life.
Being an online Angel card reader helps me reach people worldwide instead of just in my town. This opens door to greater healing across the globe.
So you’re probably wondering what exactly an Angel Card reading is anyway.
And you’re also probably wondering what makes me qualified to be an Angel Card reader! Both are valid questions.
First of all, this is what an Angel Card Reading is:
I’ll explain this as simply as possible so you understand.
Unlike Tarot Cards where your future is predicted, Angel cards focus on what is going on in your life right now and offer ways to deal with the issues and how to move through them with love, faith and trust. They quite simply are Angelic messages and divine guidance.
Often we are troubled by our own thoughts or stuck in our lives because of limiting beliefs, fears, self-doubt, and lack of confidence. Sometimes we just don’t know how to move forward or are just too afraid.
We question our path and our life. We wonder about our very existence, have a million questions and no answers.
When this happens, we don’t know where to turn. So we stay where we are. We could hire a life coach, but we all know how expensive they can be!!
Not only that, many life coaches simply don’t understand you or your struggles. They haven’t been where you are now.
You need someone who gets you! Who feels your pain on a deeper level and sincerely wants to help you.
Some reasons why you might want or need an Angel Card Reading
- unhappy in love/relationship
- help with low self-esteem/self-confidence/self-worth
- stuck in a dead-end job
- unsure how to handle family issues
- questioning your life purpose or your next move in life
- guidance on business ideas/plans
- and so much more!!
So how does an Angel Card reading help?
The Angel Card decks all have powerful messages of guidance and reassurance and help us to have more faith in ourselves and our life path. They also assist us in releasing old wounds so we can move forward with more inner peace, happiness and love.
I deliver these Angel messages most lovingly and intuitively, with a wee bit of life coaching thrown in as an added bonus! I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve lived a life of misery, sadness, frustration and a tremendous amount of pain. I’ve been where you are.
It’s my goal to help you, with the assistance of the Angel messages, release negative patterns, gain more self-confidence, embrace change and live the life you deserve!!
One of true magnificence and happiness.
Take a second to check out the testimonials below to see how I’ve already helped so many improve their lives through Angel Card readings.
If you are truly ready to take back control of your life, release limiting beliefs and self-doubt, face fear and embrace change, then go ahead and click on the session that is right for you!

Are you stuck on one issue and need to figure out how to resolve it?
Something weighing on your mind?
With this session, we’ll pull up to 3 cards and help you release and move forward.
Bonus: Ask one question for a Yes or No answer!

This session is a 3 card reading with a little more in-depth life coaching.
We’ll talk about what is really holding you back or troubling you and discuss ways to get past it.
Self Help eBook of your choice included.
Bonus: Ask one question for a Yes or No answer!

We’ll pull six cards for this session, look at where you are struggling and get to the bottom of it with deep life coaching.
You’ll also get one of my mini self-help eBooks of your choice for free!
If you decide you’d like to work with me more, I will take $100 off our first coaching session!
Spiritual Healing Sessions
These card readings are in-depth, highly intuitive, and will zero in on where you are seeking guidance. We will look at your struggles, where they are coming from, and breakthrough so you can understand your next steps to get you back on track. During these soul sessions, I also offer life coaching.
If you’ve never had an Angel Card reading, then you don’t know what you’re missing! They have been so powerful for me to keep me focused and get back on track when I feel I’ve lost my way. (yup that happens to everyone!)
If you still are unsure how an Angel tarot reading can help you, email me and let’s chat before you book a private card reading online. Email me at and let’s get started!
There are spirit guides with us all day, every day. It is up to us to recognize that they are there to help us, comfort us, guide us, and to open our hearts and minds to their messages. When we allow for messages to come through and stay open to seeing and receiving them, it is then that your life will change. These card readings will help you open up to receiving guidance and teach you how to call upon your Angels when you need help.
Book your session today!