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Are you tired of constantly being in toxic relationships? Do you find yourself attracted to the same type of person repeatedly, only to end up hurt and disappointed every time? Do you wonder why you keep attracting the wrong partners?

If so, you may be stuck in a pattern.

But don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people struggle with this same issue, and there are numerous reasons why it may be happening to you. In this article, we’ll explore 13 common reasons why you keep attracting the wrong partners and how to break free from this cycle.

why you keep attracting the wrong partners

Before we explore the reasons, let’s define what we mean by “wrong partners.”

These are individuals who are not a good match for you and often result in unhealthy, toxic relationships. A wrong partner could be someone who is emotionally unavailable, manipulative, or simply not compatible with your values and goals.

Or perhaps you keep attracting narcissists or men who are abusive. Does that sound familiar?

Let’s get into the 13 reasons why you keep attracting the wrong partners.

Low Self-Esteem

One of the most common reasons why you keep attracting the wrong partners is having low self-esteem. When you don’t believe in yourself and your worth, you may settle for less than you deserve or think that a toxic relationship is all you can get.

I’ve been there, so I know exactly how that feels. It’s important to work on building self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. 

Unhealthy Relationship Patterns

If you grew up witnessing unhealthy relationships, you may have internalized these patterns and are unknowingly seeking out partners who replicate them. It’s important to break these patterns and learn what a healthy relationship looks like.

Try to spend time with people who have healthy relationships. You could also talk to a professional or get support to help you break these toxic patterns.

Fear of Being Alone

Many people would rather be in a bad relationship than be alone. This fear can lead you to settle for someone who is not right for you, just so you won’t have to face being single.

I totally understand this. I did this for years. Many of us do. It’s important to learn how to love being alone and enjoy your own company. Find things to do that bring you joy daily. 

Lack of Boundaries

Without clear boundaries, it’s easy to let someone treat you poorly or cross your personal limits. Learning how to set and enforce boundaries is so important for attracting the right kind of partner.

It can be hard to set boundaries, especially if we’ve never had them before! At 62 years old, I’m still learning how to stick to mine. 

Negative Self-Talk

Your thoughts have a powerful impact on your life, including who you attract in relationships. If you constantly engage in negative self-talk or have a negative view of yourself, you may attract partners who also see you negatively.

Make it a daily habit to speak kindly and lovingly to yourself. Mirror talk is a good exercise. Talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how amazing you are – because you are!


Insecurities can make you vulnerable to manipulation and mistreatment in relationships. When we feel insecure about ourselves, the way we look or anything else, we will attract the wrong partners. People meet us at the level we present ourselves to them.

Work on building your self-confidence and addressing any underlying insecurities to attract healthier partners.

Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic expectations for your partner can lead to disappointment and frustration. It’s ok to have a list of what you expect from someone but don’t expect everyone to have what you want on that list. It’s also important not to settle for less either. 

It’s important to have realistic expectations and communicate them openly with your partner.

Lack of Communication Skills

Effective communication is key in any relationship, but if you struggle to express your needs and concerns, it can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Not only that, it will also lead to you settling for less than what you deserve. 

Learn how to communicate effectively, and that will drastically improve the quality of your relationships.

Lack of Self-Love

It’s easy to look for love and validation from others, but it’s important to learn how to love yourself first. We show people how to treat us, so if you don’t love yourself, how can anyone else love you?

When you have a strong sense of self-love, you are less likely to settle for someone who doesn’t treat you well.

Fear of Vulnerability

Being vulnerable in a relationship can be scary, but it’s necessary for building deep connections and trust. When we are vulnerable, you’ll be able to see who will take advantage of that and who will appreciate that.

If you fear vulnerability, you may attract partners who are emotionally unavailable or unwilling to open up.

Repeating Patterns

Do you find yourself in similar relationships over and over again? This could be a sign that you have unresolved issues or are unconsciously seeking out the same type of partner. 

Take time to reflect on past relationships and break the cycle.

Struggle with Assertiveness

Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and understanding. If you find it challenging to be assertive, others may take you for granted or mistreat you.

Becoming assertive allows you to clearly communicate your requirements and expectations, which can help you attract partners who respect your needs and boundaries.

Not Being True to Yourself

When you don’t know who you are or what you want, it’s easy to fall into relationships that don’t align with your values and goals. This will lead to unhealthy relationships and dissatisfaction. 

Take time for self-discovery and be true to yourself to attract partners who appreciate and support the real you.

final thoughts on why you keep attracting the wrong partners

Attracting the wrong partners can be a frustrating and discouraging cycle, but by understanding these common reasons and addressing them, you can break free from the pattern. Remember to practice self-love, work on your fears and boundaries, and stay true to yourself.

With time and effort, you can attract loving and healthy relationships that align with who you are and what you deserve. 

Keep these 13 reasons in mind as you journey through your dating life and don’t be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. You deserve to be in a fulfilling and happy relationship. 

Let your journey toward a healthy and loving relationship begin today.

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