Sadly, so many women do not love themselves and don’t take care of their mental health. We feel worthless and invisible. Today, I want to share 75 self-love journal prompts to help you love yourself and get into the habit of daily writing.
I am a firm believer that writing is very therapeutic and great for your mental health. When we write, we feel better.
You could write out toxic stuff or love stuff – either way, getting thoughts to paper helps get them out of our minds and out in the open. It’s good for you!
Without further ado, let’s get to the self-love journal prompts to help with your self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-love.
75 self-love journal prompts
Here are 75 fun and easy self-love journal prompts to help you get started.
- List 5 things you love about yourself.
- What are your greatest accomplishments in the past year.
- What makes you unique.
- List all the amazing people in your life.
- Who are you grateful for.
- Your best qualities.
- Your least favourite qualities that you accept.
- All the ways you’ve grown in the last year.
- Write out a dream you have and how it makes you feel.
- Jot down 5 things you do well.
- What are the things you love doing.
- Remember a time your heart felt so full.
- Write a love letter to yourself.
- What are some of your best friend’s best qualities that make you smile.
- Pick your favourite family member and write all the things you love about them.
- List 3 dream travel places you want to go see.
- Write 10 things you are grateful for.
- What are you proud of yourself for.
- What do you love most about yourself.
- What challenges did you overcome recently that you’re proud of.
- List 10 things that make you happy.
- Write 5 ways you can love yourself more.
- What are your strengths that you admire.
- One thing new you really want to try.
- The last movie you watched that made your heart happy.
- Your favourite actor you’d love to go on a date with.
- What things can you do to be healthier.
- List 5 positive affirmations you can repeat daily.
- I deserve love because…
- I deserve happiness because…
- I deserve abundance because…
- I deserve good things because…
- 5 reasons why I am a good friend.
- 5 reasons why I am a good sister.
- 5 reasons why I am a good mother.
- I am good at my job because of these 5 skills I have.
- I forgive myself for this past mistake.
- I forgive this person who hurt me because…
- 3 unhealthy habits I need to get rid of.
- How can I honour myself more.
- What grudge do I need to let go of.
- What can I make peace with.
- How can I be kinder to myself.
- Where do I need to show more compassion to myself.
- What are 5 self-care habits I’d like to add to my daily routine.
- In what ways can I simplify my life.
- Who do I need to set solid boundaries with.
- What are my favourite hobbies.
- How can I make more time for peace and quiet.
- What does my best day look like.
- 5 things I love about my life right now.
- 10 foods I love that make me smile.
- Describe your best qualities to a stranger.
- Write out one big life lesson you learned that had a huge and positive impact.
- What was your earliest and happiest childhood memory.
- What do you love about your favourite sibling.
- Jot down 3 favourite memories about your mom.
- List 3 unique qualities you have that you love.
- Write a thank you letter to yourself.
- What does spirituality mean to you?
- What are some ways you can practice spirituality.
- What was one thing you did last week that you are proud of.
- Name the people who inspire you the most.
- Name the people in your life who encourage you the most.
- What’s one country you would love to visit and why.
- Do you make people feel happy and good when they spend time with you. Write about that.
- Write about your favourite animal.
- If you have pets, what is your ideal day with them look like.
- How do you want people to remember you.
- List 5 positive changes that happened in the last year.
- If money wasn’t an object, what is one thing you’d love to do.
- What does your dream job look like.
- Write a love letter to someone from your past who hurt you but is no longer in your life.
- What are some negative thoughts you have about yourself that you can turn positive.
- What does self-love really mean to you.
I hope these 75 self-love journal prompts help you a little to start your jouraling journey. Self-love is crucial to our mental health, our well-being and also to show people how to treat and respect us.
final thoughts on self-love journal prompts
If you have never journaled before, these are really super simple and fun self-love journal prompts to help you get started. Journaling truly is therapeutic and so good for the heart, mind and soul.