While we all strive to live a stress-free and joy-filled life, this is not always the case. It seems that women are more stressed and miserable than men. Today, we will discuss why women are unhappy and how we can fix that.
Now, before we start, it’s not just about women being unhappy in their marriages. It’s about being unhappy overall in life: marriage, health, career, personal life, etc. It’s everything.
Why do women struggle with unhappiness
Most of us are taught at a fairly early age that it is our job to serve others and ensure everyone’s happiness. We are told to be on our best behavior, not talk back, and be submissive.
When we carry this into our adult lives, this is where the problems start. We don’t really want to live that or be that person, but it’s all we know; it’s all we were taught.
So we feel trapped and stuck.
And let’s not forget the women like myself who were abused during their childhood, and as we grew into adults, we desperately wanted love and did anything to get it. Even sacrifice our self-worth, self-respect and so much more.
You can see that life for women is not easy. It never was.
Let’s get right to the 5 reasons why women are unhappy and some tips to help you find joy in your life.
5 Reasons Women Are Unhappy
I’m going to list five reasons why I believe most women are unhappy, but I’m sure there are probably a million more reasons. We’ll break down each reason, and I’ll offer a tip on how to fix it.
1 Trying to please others
Honestly, this is number one in my books. We do anything and everything to make the people around us happy, but what ends up happening is that we are miserable.
It can be difficult to prioritize ourselves and our happiness, but in order to find joy, we have to create it.
Helpful tip – Every day, do one thing that brings you great joy and makes your heart sing. Something that is just for you and no one else.
2 Comparing yourself to others
The comparison trap is a toxic one. We try hard to be just like ‘Betty’ or ‘Susan’ because they are beautiful and popular and rich, etc. You get the idea. We feel they are better than us when the truth is, they’re not.
Jealousy and the feeling of unworthiness are very damaging to your self-esteem. Until you deal with them, you will always be unhappy.
Helpful tip – I want to leave you with this article that I think will really help you end the comparison trap and help you have more self-confidence.
3 Lack of Self-confidence
Maybe this should have been number one. So many women lack self-confidence and don’t believe in themselves, making them feel insignificant. We feel like we aren’t good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or whatever enough.
I used to feel like that, too.
Helpful tip – Dig out your journal and start writing love letters to yourself and remind yourself how truly amazing you really are. Write out all your great qualities, gifts, and talents. It takes time to build self-confidence but if you keep working at it, it will grow.
This book might really help you!
4 Feeling trapped or stuck
Sadly, many women feel trapped or stuck in their relationships. They’ve been married for a certain number of years, and they no longer feel the love or joy they once had with their spouse. We feel there should be more in life, but we can’t go after it because we’re stuck in a loveless marriage.
Helpful tip – If you’re feeling this, it may be time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your spouse. Lay it all out on the table. Chances are, he may be feeling this too. Try marriage counseling, but if that’s not an option, it may be time to part ways. And that’s ok.
5 Poor health/weight gain
It’s not uncommon for women over 50 to fall out of shape and pick up poor eating and health habits. Food and diet play a huge role in our mental health and well-being, not just our physical health. It can lead to depression.
Helpful tip – You must decide that it’s time to start making changes in your diet and health routine. No one can do this for you. Without your health, you have nothing. You can slowly start an at-home exercise routine and start eating healthier. Toss out all that garbage food.
Final Reason women are unhappy and Helpful Tip
I can’t finish this article without mentioning this one reason that women are unhappy. This may not apply to all women which is why I didn’t really include it in the list.
Allowing people to disrespect us and treat us poorly.
Because we have such low self-confidence and self-worth, we tolerate disrespect, bullying, verbal and emotional abuse, and so much more. This is extremely damaging to your mental health and your overall well-being.
If this is happening to you, find someone to talk to in private about the abuse and get help. No one is entitled to treat you like that, ever.
Choose to be happy
Happiness is a choice. We must make the changes in our lives that will bring joy into our hearts. Your life is a result of all the choices you’ve made. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. Women are unhappy because we’ve mostly been choosing others over ourselves, and that needs to stop.
Need help trying to navigate life and all its challenges? Are you looking for the right tools to guide you and help you take the steps to making the changes you desperately need to make, to live the life you deserve? I got ya covered. Click here for more info!
It took me almost 53 years to make all the changes in my life that I needed to make (you can learn more about that in this video) to finally have joy, freedom, and inner peace.
If you decide to make some drastic life changes and put in the work, you will find happiness, inner peace, joy, and freedom.
xo iva xo